Book Promoters Wanted | No experience needed | Must be an avid reader | ~$90 per day worked ($23,400 - $32,760 per year)

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Signature Addition: View official review of In It Together: The Beautiful Struggle Uniting Us All

Book Promoters Wanted | No experience needed | Must be an avid reader | ~$90 per day worked ($23,400 - $32,760 per year)

Post by Scott »

Important November 7th Update: Effective November 18th (about 10 days from this update), to be eligible for this job you must also have read at least one Book of the Month. You can see the full list of previous and upcoming Books of the Month here. The reason that this new change does not go into effect until 10 days from the time of this update is so that anyone who signed up for my mentoring program after seeing the below post can still get the job even if they don't meet the new requirement. In other words, this new requirement only applies to people who sign up for the mentoring program after November 7th.

The reason for the change is so that we can have you create some ads first before we pay you $50+ just to read a book. We can't afford to pay you $50 just to read a book, only to then find out you are unable or unwilling to do the job and thus won't be actually creating any ads for the book we just paid you to read.


We are looking for people who can create social media ads for books that look like the following:

Example Ad 1

Example Ad 2

Example Ad 3

Example Ad 4

It is important to me that the person creating the ads have read the book they are creating ads for. Only by having read the book first can someone create ads that are informed and can contain good quotes from the book that they themselves highlighted while reading.

This isn't an hourly position per se. Instead, you are typically paid a flat $50 to read and review the book, and then a flat-rate $5 per ad you create for it. Typically, you can create an ad like the ones above in 15 minutes, so you would be looking at an hourly rate of about $20 per hour for that portion.

If you don't enjoy reading, then this job is not for you. However, if you love reading and reading books is something you already do for fun for free in your spare time, then that is where the magic comes in: your effective hourly rate skyrockets from the ~$20 per hour to more like $45+ per hour. In other words, by not counting the time you spend reading the books as "work", your effective hourly rate skyrockets.

A typical day in this job looks might like the following: You spend 5 hours reading and reviewing a book and then 2 hours creating and posting ads for that book and others, and you get paid about $90 for that day of work, which only took 7 hours total and really only involved 2 hours of actual work.

Assuming you do that 5 days a week and take the other 2 days off, that comes out to $450 per week ($23,400 per year), with only 10 hours of real work per week and about 35 hours total time spent per week if you count reading the books. Of course, that's just an example. One great thing is this job comes with a ton of flexibility. You could work twice as much and make twice as much as that, or work only one day per week, or work only one hour per day.

If you are someone who already reads 1 book per day just for fun, then you can use this job to turn that hobby into a $630 per week job ($32,760 per year). And even then you would really only be doing about 14 per week of actual "work". The rest of the time would be spent reading. $32k isn't that great of a salary, but when you consider that you'd only be doing about 14 hours of actual work it's incredible.

Another good thing about this job is you can do it anywhere. That combined with the fact that it requires so little real work besides reading makes it a great job for people who love to travel. You can make a living out of reading books while sitting on airplanes and laying beaches throughout the world. Imagine laying on a beach reading a book and calling that your job.

You aren't told exactly which books to read. Instead, you get to pick from a list of available books.

You don't have to give the books a good review, and we never ever want you to lie.

For the time being, I am only accepting applications from people who are in my free mentoring program, and have been in the free mentoring program for at least 10 days.

However, if you are not in my free mentoring program yet, you can sign up for free now and then just wait 10 days and apply then.

Either way, to apply, simply reply to any one of the mentoring check-in emails sent to you via the mentoring program to express your interest.

If you haven't been getting a mentoring check-in email at least once per week, then you aren't in my mentoring program, in which case you will want to sign up now.

If you have any questions, simply email me by replying to the latest check-in email sent to you via the mentoring program, or contact my 24/7 customer support team using the official contact form.

Thank you,

No experience necessary. Must be an avid reader. To apply, simply email me by replying to the most recent check-in email you were sent via my free mentoring program.
No experience necessary. Must be an avid reader. To apply, simply email me by replying to the most recent check-in email you were sent via my free mentoring program.
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