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Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 16 May 2020, 20:43
by Balena
If you were to generalize people and their personality, I definitely think that you can just about fit everybody into a faction. However, it wouldn't be a perfect fit; some people may have multiple traits from different factions and some may not feel that they fit in at all.

The ones that are Divergent to me are the ones that have multiple unique traits that overlap into the other factions or even traits that aren't found in the others.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 02 Jul 2020, 21:39
by Barbara Larkin
I think the five factions do represent core traits. There are, of course, going to be variances and not all personalities are going to be exactly alike, but, for the most part, the five factions portray dominant features.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 08 Jul 2020, 21:04
by yapashley
I think those are the most general personalities. There would be sub-personalities for each faction afterwards.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 22 Jul 2020, 15:14
by Edna016
Well, I do think the factions covered basically all the personalities. There can be just the general personalities then personalities can go in deeper. There can be sub personalities of course like how some general personalities are feeling happy sad and then it can go deeper than that. So generally yes they covered all the personalities.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 31 Dec 2020, 08:19
by Reader 05
steinhm wrote: 02 Apr 2015, 23:05 I was just thinking about the factions and the different personality traits, or at least the core personality traits in each person, and I was wondering what your guys' thoughts were on this. Are there any "core" personality types or traits that aren't represented in the five factions? If so, what do you guys think they would be?

I'm racking my brain to come up with some because I'm sure there are some I just can't think of them! I'd love to know what you all think.
I think that she covered all the personality traits in a nutshell, if she had created more factions based on each individual personality it would have made the novel confusing.


Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 28 Jul 2021, 02:20
by Janet Kimetto
I think the factions covered all the basic personality traits. It would be rare for a person not to have at least one of the traits represented, but they could have more.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 03 Nov 2021, 08:58
by kirthana_shivakumar
No. Firstly, "honesty" (Candor) doesn't seem a personality trait to me at all. It is a choice one makes, a part of behaviour rather than personality. Secondly, the factions confuse personality traits with choice in profession. Just because someone is brave does that mean they want to be guards? No, they might want to be anything.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 05 Jan 2022, 13:39
by Shridhar Suryawanshi
Of course the factions don't cover all the personalities. Humans don't have just have five characteristics. There is so much more. I can't imagine living in one of the factions because I would that to be that for the rest of my life.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 25 Jan 2022, 19:03
by Phyll Kamau
I do not believe that people can be fully described using the five factions. Human beings are more complex than that. Just because someone likes seeking knowledge does not mean they cannot genuinely love others, be selfless or fearless. People have layers; therefore, I feel the faction system is baseless.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 13 Feb 2022, 02:49
by jimmy02
I believe the factions cover the mainstream personality types. And well, even to some extent, the unique personality types.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 07 Mar 2022, 00:37
by Inks and Quills
I was thinking the same! Also having a hard time naming what the additional factions would be though.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 08 Mar 2022, 20:29
by AlphariusRE
Yeah they do. And personally, I'm very fascinated by the faction system. I tend to want to 'belong to someplace', which is squads on multiplayer games, clubs at the university and so on.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 22 Apr 2022, 21:14
by Simmons32
Roth did seem to cover all personality traits. This book is interesting in the sense that it separates the personalities out like a person can't be more than one thing. It kind of doesn't make sense though because it's like saying a brave person can't also be kind, or an honest person can't be intelligent, and so on. Christiana's a good character that shows my point. Even though she is not labeled as a Divergent, she is still kind and brave despite coming from the Candor faction. It just how's that in reality, nobody is just one thing.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 16 Aug 2022, 21:17
by fire_spice
The mixed personality. It does not cover the mixed personality.

Re: Do the factions cover all personality?

Posted: 21 Aug 2022, 12:28
by +3_naume
I think some of us do gravitate more towards one of the main personality types, mentioned as factions in the book, but I think most of us have personalities made up of different things. You could be smart and peaceful and expected to be an introvert but surprise, you just enjoy peace, when your with your friends your actually the wildest.

The factions are just what some of us tend to gravitate more towards but I'm sure that most of us can't be put into one faction.
I think there are more personality types than those mentioned in the book, our personalities are most likely like colours, a mixture of 2 more different colours ( personality traits) that form a brand new colour, some colours will look more like one of the primary colours but initially they can't be put under one primary colour because they're made up of more than one. But really the factions didn't cover all the main personality types :techie-studyingbrown: :techie-studyingbrown: